Office of Contracts and Grants | CEPS-十大彩票网投平台

College of Education & Professional Studies Office of Contracts and Grants

The Office of Contracts and Grants (OCG) is the administrative unit within the College that provides leadership in the identification, development and coordination of public and private grant development activities consistent with the college mission, goals, and strategic initiatives. The  Director of Office of Contracts and Grants reports to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and is responsible for:

Assisting in the conceptualization of projects, acting as lead writer to support institution-wide grant applications, and provides technical assistance in grant application and management.

  • Administration of all sponsored programs including submitting, negotiating and receiving awards on behalf of the College.
  • Supervising the management of externally sponsored research awards and research accounting.
  • Collaborating with faculty researchers, department chairs, college and school deans, and administrative officers.
  • Serves as expert and arbiter to Principal Investigators for interpretation, explanation and application of external sponsor research regulations and CSU policies.
  • Planning and conducting an orientation session for faculty and student researchers as appropriate.

Faculty Consulting

The College of Education and Professional Studies recognizes that consulting activities are often an element of continuing professional development for the faculty and can provide faculty members with experiences that may result in enhanced scholarship and teaching. As such, the College encourages the active involvement of the faculty in appropriate activities within the scope of University policy.  
The Office of the Vice President for Research has the institutional responsibility for the development of University policies regarding all aspects of research, including faculty consulting. The College complies with all aspects of the University policy on consulting and faculty members within the College are directed to become familiar with all pertinent University policies.
Click here to view pertinent University policies and related forms for reporting research and consulting activities.   

Current Projects 

  • Dr. Abigail Baxter
    Professor in the Department of Leadership & Teacher Education

    Paid Work Experience for Students in PASSAGE USA Program
    Funded by the Southwest Alabama Partnership for Training & Employment, Inc.
    Principal Investigator

    PASSAGE USA Expansion
    Funded by the U.S. Department of Education
    Principal Investigator

    Funded by the U.S. Department of Education
    Principal Investigator

  • Dr. Joel Billingsley
    Associate Professor
    Department of Counseling & Instructional Sciences

    Williamson Middle Grades Academy Robotics, Engineering & Computation Reasoning Project
    Funded by Gulf Coast Resource Conservation & Development Council, Principal Investigator

    110: The Story of the Last Enslaved Africans Brought to America
    Funded by the Alabama Humanities Foundation
    Principal Investigator

  • Dr. Andre Green
    Professor in the Department of Leadership & Teacher Education
    Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs

    Pathway to Science- National Science Foundation
    Funded by the National Science Foundation
    Principal Investigator

    Pathway to Mathematics- National Science Foundation
    Funded by the National Science Foundation,
    Principal Investigator

    The Alabama Math Science and Technology Initiative (AMSTI) 
    Funded by the Alabama State Department of Education and and US Department of Education,
    Principal Investigator

    National Board Certification of Teachers Mentoring
    Funded by Alabama Department of Education
    Principal Investigator

  • Dr. Christopher Parrish
    Assistant Professor

    Department of Leadership & Teacher Education

    Transforming Lower Division Mathematics Through Team-Based Inquiry Learning
    Funded by the National Science Foundation
    Co-Principal Investigator

  • Dr. Neil Schwarz
    Associate Professor
    Department of Health, Kinesiology & Sport

    Effectiveness of Psycogenol ® Following Acute Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage
    Funded by Horphag Research Inc.
    Principal Investigator

    Dietary Supplements and Metabolic Function
    Funded by Compound Solutions, Inc.
    Principal Investigator

    Dicarboxylic Acids and Glycemic Control
    Funded by Compound Soultions, Inc.
    Principal Investigator

  • Dr. Tres Stefurak
    Associate Professor in the Department of Counseling & Instructional Sciences
    Associate Dean

    Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Research Partner Grant
    Funded by Mobile Police Department and the U.S. Department of Justice
    Principal Investigator

    Child Advocacy Center of Mobile Consulting Project
    Principal Investigator

    Establishing a Multi-pronged, Trauma-Informed Campus-Based SANE Program at the University of South Alabama
    Funded by the U.S. Department of Justice
    Key Personnel

  • Dr. Shenghua Zha
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Counseling & Instructional Sciences

    Neuromorphic Engineering and Computing Research for Teachers in Alabama (NICE4AL)
    Funded by National Science Foundation
    Co-Principal Investigator